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It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 25th Youth Leadership Awards, which has become a must-attend event for our UCAN family and the new supporters and friends we hope to make during our flagship fundraiser. 

This year’s event is just as special as the previous 24 and we also consider it an impressive milestone to celebrate a quarter century of recognizing impressive youth who have so much to look forward to with the support and nurturing of our UCAN team.

This year’s YLA, as it is known by many, greatly benefits from the generous support of Presenting Sponsor Allstate Insurance Company. We could not be more appreciative of their continued engagement and belief in our vision and mission. Their support contributes to our privilege to honor several remarkable young people for their academic and personal achievements that our team proudly helped develop and nurture into future leaders. We remain relentlessly committed to helping our youth discover and release the power of their potential. As you will see, the grant scholarships for higher education we will award are an important part of their lifelong journey. 

UCAN will present its eleventh annual John D. Nichols Award to Northern Trust, accepted by Michael O’Grady, President and CEO, in recognition of his positive impact on youth and families in Chicago. We are equally proud to present the Corporate Engagement Award to PepsiCo., which has demonstrated exceptional philanthropic commitment to UCAN and the youth in Chicago.

We encourage you to meet as many people as you can during this evening of celebration. Personally, and on behalf of the nearly 700 people who work for Chicago, thank you so much for being here tonight and sharing your time and energy now and into the future. We all share a commitment to the children, youth and families we serve knowing that their future is bright – and even brighter – with your support.

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Christa Hamilton
President & CEO